If we see the google play store android app, we can see that the app list in horizontal recycler view hold a property that the first property hold always full visible or not visible, but a portion visible is not seeing. This property is snap property. In this article I show you how to use it in our own application. Basically we use two type of snap. Center Snap and start snap. I show you both here. So read full article here. The Key Moment code is here- For center snap you need to write 2 lines code- //center Snap val snapHelper = LinearSnapHelper() snapHelper.attachToRecyclerView(recyclerView1) For start snap, create a class in kotlin say StartSnapHelper.kt package com.example.snaphelpersampleapp import android.view.View import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearSnapHelper import androidx.recyclerview.widget.OrientationHelper import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView class StartSnapH...
How to Insert Multiple rows in a single db transaction in Android Room Database? | Android | Room DB
To insert multiple rows into a Room database in Android, you can follow these steps: 1. Set up Room Database: First, make sure you have set up your Room database correctly in your Android project. Define your Entity class, create a Database class that extends RoomDatabase, and set up your DAO (Data Access Object) interface. 2. Create Entity Class: Define an Entity class that represents the data you want to insert into the database. For example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 @Entity (tableName = "my_table" ) public class MyEntity { @PrimaryKey (autoGenerate = true ) public int id; public String name; public int age; // Add other fields and getters/setters as needed } Create DAO: Create a DAO interface with a method to insert multiple rows. For example: 1 2 3 4 5 @Dao public interface MyEntityDao { @Insert void insertAll (List<MyEntity> entities); } Initialise Database and DAO: In your application code, create an insta...